Avram Noam Chomsky (z. 7 kanûna pêşîn 1928) kevne dersdêrê zimannasiyê li Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Înstîtuya Teknolojiyê ya Massachusettsê) ye. Navûbangên wî ji ber afirandina Rezmana Zayîndek e ko wesa dihat hesibandin ko mezintirîn pêşkevtin di warê zimanzanistê tîyorî de bûbit li sedsala 20an.
Wî bi pêdaçûna Riftara Peyvanî ya F. B. Skinnerî harîkarî ya serhildana şoreşa zanînbaweriyê di revazanistî da kir. Di wê pêdaçûna xwe da wî rikeberî ya boçûna riftarbaweran di xwendina ziman û hişî da kir ko li salên 1950î gelek baladest bûn. Boçûna wî ya siruştbawerane di ware xwendina zimanî da felsefeya zimanî jî bandora xwe hişt.
Berhemên wî yên li ser zimannasiyê
- Chomsky (1951). Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew. Master’s thesis, University of Pennsylvania.
- Chomsky (1955). Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory.
- Chomsky (1955). Transformational Analysis. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.
- Chomsky, Noam, Morris Halle, and Fred Lukoff (1956). “On accent and juncture in English.” In For Roman Jakobson. The Hague: Mouton
- Chomsky (1957). Syntactic Structures. The Hague: Mouton. Reprint. Berlin and New York (1985).
- Chomsky (1964). Current Issues in Linguistic Theory.
- Chomsky (1965). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
- Chomsky (1965). Cartesian Linguistics. New York: Harper and Row. Reprint. Cartesian Linguistics. A Chapter in the History of Rationalist Thought. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1986.
- Chomsky (1966). Topics in the Theory of Generative Grammar.
- Chomsky, Noam, and Morris Halle (1968). The Sound Pattern of English. New York: Harper & Row.
- Chomsky (1968). Language and Mind.
- Chomsky (1972). Studies on Semantics in Generative Grammar.
- Chomsky (1975). The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory.
- Chomsky (1975). Reflections on Language.
- Chomsky (1977). Essays on Form and Interpretation.
- Chomsky (1979). Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew.
- Chomsky (1980). Rules and Representations.
- Chomsky (1981). Lectures on Government and Binding: The Pisa Lectures. Holland: Foris Publications. Reprint. 7th Edition. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1993.
- Chomsky (1982). Some Concepts and Consequences of the Theory of Government and Binding.
- Chomsky (1982). Language and the Study of Mind.
- Chomsky (1982). Noam Chomsky on The Generative Enterprise, A discussion with Riny Hyybregts and Henk van Riemsdijk.
- Chomsky (1984). Modular Approaches to the Study of the Mind.
- Chomsky (1986). Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use.
- Chomsky (1986). Barriers. Linguistic Inquiry Monograph Thirteen. Cambridge, MA and London: The MIT Press.
- Chomsky (1993). Language and Thought.
- Chomsky (1995). The Minimalist Program. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
- Chomsky (1998). On Language.
- Chomsky (2000). New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind.
- Chomsky (2000). The Architecture of Language (Mukherji, et al, eds.).
- Chomsky (2001). On Nature and Language (Adriana Belletti and Luigi Rizzi, ed.).
- Chomsky, N. & Place, U.T. (2000). “The Chomsky-Place correspondence 1993-1994”. Edited, with an introduction and suggested readings, by T. Schoneberger. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 17, 7-38.
Bernamegeh Kurdî / bernamegeh@gmail.com